Do We Post Chicks or Chickens
No we do not post chicks or chickens through the postal service. It is not aloud here in the UK but we have listed some Pet Couriers Service's If you are outside of Uk Poultry Delivery Regions. Our Delivery Service Costs £10. You can out the regions we deliver to on our delivery page Check Delivery Page Here
Do You Need A PayPal Account To Order
No you do not need a PayPal account to order from UK POULTRY you can pay with any Visa, Debit Card, MasterCard etc when you reach the check out page.
Many people think that you need to have a PayPal account but you don't. Ordering from Uk Poultry is secure and 100% safe
Do We Post Fertile Hatching Eggs
Yes we post all our Fertile Hatching Eggs Free to Uk Mainland no matter the amount it is still free postage for hatching eggs from Uk Poultry.
Do We Test Fertility Of Our Hatching Eggs
Yes we do regular testing of our Hatching Eggs to make sure they are fertile. We also hatch any of our eggs that do not sell. We keep detailed information on the fertility of the eggs at Uk Poultry.
Do We Refund Hatching Eggs
We will only refund hatching eggs if we know your incubation methods or we will replace eggs if the fertility rate is under 80%. We want to keep you as our customer and treat you with respect. If you have a very poor hatch rate because of fertility. We will send out another batch of eggs at cost of postage of buyer. This is as fair as we can be.
Do We Wash Our Hatching Eggs
No we do not wash our hatching eggs. Some people do but we do not this is because the eggs themselves have a protective coating around them. If you wash the eggs you can remove this coating and this will allow in bacteria and other disease. Saying this you may receive the odd egg with a mark but we would never send out soiled eggs.
Do We Inoculate Our Chicks
Yes all our chicks are treated for Merek's disease when they are a day or two old. Marek’s disease is a viral disease of chickens that is caused by a herpes virus. Current research shows that there are six mutations of the virus that can cause this disease.
How Do We Control Lice, Mites & Worm's
We use Diatomaceous Earth to prevent Red Mite & Lice taking hold in our coops. Prevention is better than trying to cure pests. We also mix it in with the chicken feeds and this is the best worming control we have ever come across. It has to be food grade to be mixed into chicken feed. The chickens do not even notice it. They also love to dust bath in it when mixed with Dry Kilned Sand this give best dust bath results.
Are We DEFRA Registered
Yes we are DEFRA registered if you keep more than 50 chickens our CPH NUMBER 04/755/0249.
You have to call your local Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and get your CPH Number. It is free to get your CPH number and does not take long at all. It is very important to do this, if you do not and are caught keeping over 50 chickens could be prosecuted.
How Do We Raise Our Breeding Stock
We raise our breeding stock in Movable Chicken Tractors. Each tractor is moved daily to fresh pasture so our hens have new ground to scratch at. Then the grass grows where they once where giving fresh grass tips for them the next time they are on that patch of ground.
It is excellent way of raising hens. They have dust baths in the tractors to keep themselves clean of lice.
The chicken have an area under the coop which is raised so they can get out of the rain and the wind. They have over 1sq Meter Each of fresh pasture per day per bird. So our hens are very happy hens indeed they are never in muddy runs.
All our hens are locked up at dusk when they roost and let out first thing in the morning. We have found that this way of raising chickens to be the safest while keeping the birds the happiest.
How Many Cockerels To Each Hen
We keep 1 cockerel for each 6 hens ensuring that all the hens are treaded by the cockerel regular, also so that the cockerel has enough hens. A cockerel can tread up to 50 times per day.
The sperm can stay in the hens for up to 2 weeks. So we know our eggs are not only fertile but are healthy as the chickens love the fresh ground daily.